Monday, March 28, 2011

New Season!

So, I am ready to start my own blog! I want to have something to look back on other than Facebook or Twitter to remind myself of all the fun and good times in life. It's sometimes so easy to forget! I don't know how often I'll actually make myself sit down and take the time to write, but I want to start this to help capture some of the many great memories in life! Whoever reads this, I hope you enjoy! :)

For my first blog, I want to write about a new season in my life. My husband and I are celebrating our 3 year anniversary in June of this year and we have been through more than a lot of married couples will hopefully ever have to go through, but God kept us together and made us stronger and we are moving into a new season in our marriage and I'm so excited! A season of falling in love all over again, a season of restoration and reminding each other why we fell in love in the first place! Marriage isn't easy, but it is a gift from God that sometimes we tend to take advantage, to celebrate our new season, we are starting the 40 Day Love Dare tomorrow and I'm so excited to see what God does with this! Day 1 is:

Resolve to say nothing negative about your spouse today.
Ephesians 4:2 “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,”

I also have a coupon book that I keep forgetting to use and we decided we are going to start redeeming the coupons on our weekly/bi-weekly date nights! :) The one I am redeeming tonight is for:

One Quiet Evening at Home - Just the two of us

So, for now, I'm signing off to redeem this coupon! :)