Sunday, April 17, 2011

Overcoming Fear

I know it has been a couple of weeks but lots has been going on for me, but I wanted to take some time tonight to write about some things God has been doing in my life. He has really taken me to another level when it comes to trusting in Him and having faith that He works all things together for my good! 

To give a bit of a background, last Friday, my boss came to me with an opportunity that one, not many people my age get and two, an opportunity that I never thought I would accept even if it was given to me. It was an opportunity to learn a new product but the catch was that I had to pack my bags and leave that Sunday for 2 weeks. For those that know me, I did not like to be alone without my husband and I was terrified of flying. They were both on the top 5 of my biggest fears...but as my boss presented me with the opportunity and I had about 15 minutes to decide, I felt such an overwhelming peace from God that not only was this going to be a great experience for me, but that He was going to free me from some of my biggest fears and I was going to grow closer to Him and get new vision for my life. This was also confirmed the day that I left by my best friend. 

The Sunday came when it was time to leave my life, my husband and my friends and go to New Jersey for 2 weeks...a city I've never been to and all by myself...not knowing a soul. I went to church that morning with bags packed and ready to go and I had such a wonderful support system, as always, from my husband, friends and church family. I was very fearful, but I knew I was doing what God was challenging me to do and it was going to be great. I lost it a few times and broke down in tears form the fear, but I still had such a peace on the inside of me and knew God would bring me through it. 

I arrived in New Jersey last week Sunday and had a very busy week...I got to experience GREAT food, meet some great people and learn a great new product for work and I was successful at it all! I was able to fly home this past weekend just for a day and a half to see my husband and wasn't long enough and I was sad to say goodbye, but I knew that this week was just starting the next chapter in this new process God was taking me through. I am so proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something I once NEVER thought I would do...and most importantly overcoming my biggest fears! It feels good to let go and let God do what He wants...I feel so close to Him at this very moment and am so excited to see how He will use me this next week that I am here and even more excited to spend time alone with Him, getting to know His heart for my life and getting to know who He has called me to be. I realized that I really never gave myself much of a chance to get alone and just spend time on "me" and my relationship with God, and it has so far been has been hard, but every tough moment, I remind myself that I am not alone...I am never alone and that this is just a part of God molding me and making me into who He wants me to be! 

Tonight, I was the saddest of all nights and felt very I decided to embrace the moment and treat myself to room service, a nice dinner/dessert and a warm relaxing bath to get quiet and alone with Him (pics below). I then got out my prayer book that my Pastor and spiritual mother loaned to me and reminded myself of a scripture that God brought me right to, the moment my first plane ride alone took flight. It was Mark 5:36 "Don't be afraid; just trust me" my plane took off, I just kept reading this scripture over and over and each time, felt God's arms wrap around me tighter and tighter! Wow, still reading that gives me chills and overwhelms me with God's love and peace. :) I am so thankful for every moment in my life and for every experience I go through and I am so blessed with the most amazing husband, family, friends and support system anyone could ask for....and above all, I have Jesus with me, holding my hand the whole way! I am so excited for more testimonies to come! Hopefully I made up for slacking the past couple of weeks! 

At the end of the day, remember...God tells us not to fear over 365 times in the Bible...that is once for every day of the anytime Satan tries to bring fear into your heart and mind, remind Him that you serve the prince of peace! :)

NY Style Cheesecake

Filet Mignon, red potatoes, asparagus and carrots

A nice warm bath with my very own bath robe...I felt like royalty :)