Wednesday, October 10, 2012

You are Worth More

It has been a couple of weeks since I blogged, but today I was inspired to write because my heart is hurting for a friend of mine in a horrible situation and I feel like God wants to say some things through my writing this morning. So, although my friend inspired this and although it involves a certain situation, it doesn't mean it isn't for anyone else's situation. I asked for permission to write about this before I did, so I'm not going to mention names, but I will mention details.

This situation is near and dear to my heart for many personal reasons that I will not share, but I just want to firstly say...when a man puts his hands on a woman, for ANY is NOT ok!

I will refer to my friend as "Ashley" for writing purposes.

Ashley is a beautiful, sweet girl that fell in love with a man that thinks it is ok to hurt her and put his hands on her. Ashley loves this man with everything she is and has started a family with him. This man has a hot temper and on multiple occasions here recently has punched Ashley in the face, choked her, pushed her around, and left marks on her. This breaks my heart, but it also makes me feel optimistic that WHEN Ashley gets out of this situation and let's God heal her heart and emotions, that she will be a testimony to women out there in similar situations and will one day be able to share her story and bring freedom to other people's lives. I am confident that she will get there one day because what I do know is that Ashley is a strong woman...she will be able to fight this and win...she is a great mother and will make the best decisions not only for her life, but for her kids. :)

I heard a song by 3rd Day for the first time on the way to work this morning and I do not think it was by coincidence. I feel like it speaks directly to the situation. Here's part of the lyrics:

I Need a Miracle

Late one night she started to cry and thought "He ain't coming home"
She was tired of the lies, tired of the fight
But she didn't wanna see him go
She fell on her knees and said
I haven't prayed since I was young
But "Lord above I need a miracle"

Well no matter who you are
And no matter what you've done
There will come a time
When you can't make it on your own
And in your hour of desperation
Know you're not the only one
Prayin' "Lord above, I need a miracle"
I need a miracle

Here is what I feel like God wants many of us in tough situations to know and be reminded of...

You are not alone...God is with you
He will never leave your side
You are not in to deep and God can bring you out of your situation and circumstance and will carry you through the pain make you stronger for it
Love is not settling for anything less than someone who loves you as much as you love them
The Bible clearly states what love is..."Love is patient, love is kind... It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
If you are in any type of relationship that does not line up with what the Bible lists above, then it is not what God has for you.
He has so much are worth so much are beautiful in His eyes.
You deserve to be loved, cherished, and with someone who will tell you how beautiful you much you mean to them...and they SHOW you with their actions that you are their Queen.
God will turn your morning into dancing, and will heal all of your scars.
The pain you are enduring at this time in your life will not last forever...You will see a brighter just have to stop trying in your own strength and hand it over to God.
A new start is sometimes necessary in life, to get you to a place of true freedom and pure joy.
Nothing is impossible with God...He is holding out His hands, waiting for you to run into His arms and get the strength and wisdom needed to conquer anything thrown your way.
Let go and let God...He will never let you down...

I have been reminded today of where I would be if it wasn't for God intervening in my situation a couple of years ago and not letting me give up on life. I laid in bed with Daneil last night and just said thank you to him....for being the father he is to our son...for loving me through all my faults and treating me like a queen...for never raising his voice to me, calling me names or hurting me. It may sound corny and mushy, but I just had to tell him thank you for who he is. Guys like him are very hard to find these days and I'm so blessed to have found him. So, ladies (and gents) if you have someone in your life that treats you with respect and loves you like there is no tomorrow...don't take it for granted...and take time out of life to just step back and tell them thank you or sorry...those three words can go a long way!