Sunday, February 17, 2013

Don't "fall in love", "grow in love"

With Valentine's Day being everywhere this past week, I had love on my mind a lot and a couple of nights ago, I was laying in bed and started looking at areas in my own life surrounding love. One of the main areas was my marriage. I began to ask myself questions to evaluate where my heart was in my marriage and it inspired me to write about love.

Some of the questions I asked myself is...why is it, that in the beginning of a relationship, every look or glance, every touch, even a simple touch of the arm or hand from that special someone makes your heart flutter, gives you butterflies and gives you the warm and fuzzy can't spend enough time together, you look for ways to make the other person feel special and go out of your way to do anything for them...then, through the years, life takes it's toll...we begin to take all of those things for granted and they almost sizzle out. I know this isn't true for every relationship, but when I took a step back, I realized I had become comfortable in some areas of my marriage and I was not happy about it and was ready to do something to get back to that place with the man that was made for me. 

I heard something on the radio this week that really stuck with me. This woman said we should never "fall in love" with our spouse, because then there is an option to "fall out of love". We should "grow in love" so that as we grow together as a couple, we grow more in love with each other. This struck my heart and has really challenged me in my own life!

I know there will be days where things aren't perfect and some good and some bad days...but I also know that I married the man my heart loves, the man that loves me through it all...the good and the bad...the father of my baby boy...and I need to make that marriage a priority. We have had a Launch Conference with Ken Malone this weekend and he spoke to this point as well in the service this morning and it was just such a confirmation of what God has been speaking to my heart over the past few days. Our spouses need to be priority and we don't need to take them for granted. 

So, from this day, I vow to grow in love with my husband each make a point to not take him for take a step back from life and enjoy every glance, every touch, every kiss, every moment, every memory...even if I feel like I'm too "busy" in those spend less time fighting each other, and more time fighting together for what God has for us!

I love you Daneil Hinds and I thank you for always loving me, no matter what, and for growing in love with me every day for the rest of our lives :)