Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fall Cleaning

So, I'm back to the daily grind after a few days out in the country with family. I wasn't able to blog because when I say my parents live in the middle of no where, I mean we maybe saw 6 people (other than family) within a 10 mile radius of their house the 4 days we were there! The closest gas station was 8 miles away and grocery store was 15 miles away. Needless to say, Internet was very scarce so I wasn't able to get on to write.

We had a great time! Got to break in Daneil's new gun and shoot some other guns my parents have, and I actually really enjoyed shooting! Daneil is already having me get my concealed weapons permit, but I have never really been a fan of guns until I played with some this weekend! Now, I am looking forward to learning more about them. I got to see both of my brothers and my sister and nieces on Saturday, which was lovely to be all together and laugh and catch up again! Daneil and I went on a lot of adventures around my parent's house looking for deer, wild boar, bob cats, bears...we pretty much wanted to see anything...we heard lots of scary noises that ran us back inside, but never saw anything other than some fresh prints in the dirt road. My parents took us to Lake McCormick and some other Lake (I forgot the name) and we took Liam with us to see and it was beautiful! Ate a lot of good food and had fried okra twice! My mom makes the BEST homemade fried okra and that is my all time favorite food! They live in a beautiful brand new house with so much space and it made me that much more excited to get in a bigger place in a couple of months...I am so over being crammed in our little apartment!

We came home yesterday and of course the weekend went by way too fast. As soon as we got home last night, I unpacked and got things ready to come back to work today and was in bed early, which was good since we were up a lot last night with Liam. Our apartment is so unorganized and it is really bothering me so tonight while Daneil and Liam are at church, I'm taking some time to myself to organize some things. I am feeling very overwhelmed and our lease is up in November, so we have got to get organized before then so we can move and have a clean start. I am going to go through and get rid of Liam's newborn clothes (well, not get rid of them, but put them away and pull out all his big boy clothes) and go through my closet to get rid of stuff I no longer need or wear. Then, I have to tackle the 4 or 5 loads of clean clothes that have been sitting in Liam's room for a while (don't judge, I have been busy lol) and get them put away once and for all. So, yea...feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that needs to be done and just needing some time to myself, alone, to get in the zone and get it done and then maybe get in a cat nap (not likely, but a girl can dream), tonight is the night!

I have been slacking on eating healthy and exercising with all the traveling we have been doing, but we are done with that for a on Payday Friday we will be stocking up on healthy foods for the house and Monday I am starting Insanity again and going to do my best to stick to it for 60 days! Thank God that even with my slacking I lost a pound, so here's to hoping it will continue in that direction in the next few weeks and months!

I'm out of vacation mode and onto organization mode! When I feel like my house is messy, I feel like my whole world is messy and it makes me so stressed, and I'm too blessed to be stressed! I can't really get it to my standards of organized because it is so small where we live, but I just keep reminding myself in 2 months we will be in a bigger place, with room to put things away so my life doesn't feel so cluttered all the time so now is the time to prepare!

Liam is still waking up a lot at night so the broken sleep is really catching up to me and I am feeling exhausted! We are transitioning to his crib tonight and trying a new bedtime routine, so wish us luck that we will get some more sleep and uninterrupted sleep at that! We both need it since we feel like zombies these days!

I'm not going to write about any specific topic today because I think I've said enough with my venting on being overwhelmed, tired and ready to get things back on track in all areas of our life! I am motivated and Daneil is on board with me so together we will get there! Tomorrow I will write about a topic that was submitted...until then, keep them coming and happy reading! :)