Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hardest Thing to do as a Leader

Well, I have missed blogging the past few days, but really enjoyed my time away with my family and friends!

Savannah was amazing and we had a really good time :) The food was out of this world and the history behind it was just so cool to learn about!! It was really hot and we got a little dehydrated, but it was definitely a fun time! I will definitely be going again some day! Liam will love it when he gets older! Here are a few of the pictures:

This was downtown was breathtaking!                                                                                                                                                                                  

This was before we went out to dinner Saturday:

 This was a view of where we parked....loved it! :)

This was a view of the candy shop we went to...they were making fresh taffy! :)

Today I'm answering one of the questions that was submitted to me:What was the hardest thing you had to do when becoming a leader?

When I was becoming a leader in the youth group, the hardest thing for me would have to be feeling like you have to be perfect for the world. I know, we aren't supposed to put on a mask or be something we aren't, but when you are a a leader, there are times you may be going through something in life and you have to put it on the shelf and walk through the doors and continue to give out even when you feel like you have nothing left to give. You have to be there for those people that look up to you and  encourage them in their times of weakness. It is hard sometimes to do that, especially if you are going through your own things, but God gives you the strength to get through it all and it makes you stronger in the end and usually speaks to you about your own life even as you encourage and minister to others. 

I had to come to a place in my life where it wasn't about the title of a "leader" wasn't about having it all together and being "perfect" was about living a life as God would call a leader to live, whether the title was there or not and being who you are in His presence. Laying it all at His feet and staying faithful! I have come such a long way from my first days as a leader and I wouldn't take any of it back...It made me who I am today and I am honored to have anyone want to follow the life I live... I do my best to live a life that others can follow.