Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 4 and 5 of January Blog Challenge

It has been one hectic first week of January for me. Liam got his first head cold that he is still overcoming and now Daneil woke up this morning with a fever and feeling horrible. He has been sleeping all day trying to feel better which has given me the opportunity to spend some much needed 1-1 time with my little prince. Liam and I have had an amazing day together today! I kept the tv off, no distractions, and just played with him. At one point, he was so tired he laid there while I massaged his feet and legs for a good 10 minutes...he didn't move, just laid there an smiled and took it all in, and those of you that know my son, he is never still! It was a sweet moment for me but he passed out on me about an hour ago for his first nap of the day, so I'm taking this time to just relax, have some "me" time and catch up on blogging for yesterday and today! :)

I believe I have written before about "one piece of advice" I would give someone, but for yesterday's post I want to write about some advice that I recently heard that has really stuck with is simply...don't settle. Too many times in life we settle for less than we deserve in many areas of life. It could be as simple as settling for a meal you paid for that was not exactly what you ordered or as serious as settling for a relationship that is not for you. Life is too short to go along day to day and settle. We need to learn to realize what we truly deserve and never compromise on anything less than that. There have been many areas in my life that I have settled over the years. One good thing is that the choice to settle or not to settle is ours. If you get yourself in a situation that has caused you to settle, YOU have the power to choose whether or not to continue in that situation. With the New Year here and still fresh, I have taken the opportunity to highlight areas in my life where I have settled and decide from there what I can do to change that. Some things are harder than others, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! :) I have a few people close to my heart that are going through some tough decisions in areas of their life where they have settled and it takes a strong person to admit when you have settled and change it for the better, but in the end it is worth it. One thing I will add though is before you decide whether or not you are settling, you have to take all emotions from the situation and follow your heart and your peace...and never look back :)

For today I will write about one of my goals for this year and that is to complete the 100 Day Burpee Challenge. Some co-workers of mine told me about it and I thought, why not? Here is a link with more information on it for those of you that have never heard of it:

Today is Day 5 of the Challenge and as sad as it sounds, I already feel the burn and have some soreness in my ab area...but that means it works! I'm hoping by Day 100 to be toned and feeling good about my body again! It is definitely not going to be easy to stick to every day but I have a great support system to help encourage me to stay on track! I will keep everyone posted on my results :)

Well, I wanted to write more but I have a husband with a very high fever and a baby that is needing my full attention...until tomorrow...