Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Dreams, New Vision...Bring on the New!

I have had a lot of people reaching out to me recently asking me when I was going to blog again and I have a few posts I started but never finished, so I decided to start another Blog Challenge for this month, because for some reason, when I challenge myself to do something, I tend to stick to it more...I don't like to fail, so I guess I just push myself to succeed when there is a challenge involved. I have really missed writing and blogging and sharing my heart so I am definitely excited to get back into it!

2012 was an amazing year in my life...we brought Liam, our precious gift from God into this world, we moved in to a brand new 4 bedroom, beautiful home, finally went on our first honeymoon which was a cruise, paid off some debt and much much more, but I know there is even more in store for 2013 and I can't wait to begin crossing some goals off my list for this year!

I am not following a "set list" for this Blog Challenge, but rather going to choose a topic I feel like writing about and write away.

Today, I want to talk about New Year's Resolutions. Every year for the past 8 years (with the exception of one), we bring in the New Year with our church family and have such a blast! During our New Year's Celebration, we sit down at about 10:30 pm and we being writing out Goals for the year rather than "resolutions". We put down everything from our Spiritual Goals, Personal, Financial, Physical, Social goals to family, Church, Personal and Miscellaneous Goals. We pray over them and then praise our way into the New Year! There is no better way to start out a year! I keep all my goals through the years and go back at the end of the year to see which goals I was able to meet and which I still need to work towards and it is amazing to see how much you can accomplish when you have vision. :)

Our church "Theme" for this year is LAUNCH, and I definitely feel like God is launching some things in my own life and my family's life so we will continue to allow God to speak to our hearts and move us in the direction he wants us.

Although 2012 was a very different year, for me in regards to becoming a mother and trying to cope with that and maintain my marriage, friendships, commitments...the list goes was a difficult year...a "dry" year for me spiritually...I was unable to be involved in ministry like I usually am, unable to hang out all the time and it was needed for this new chapter, but there were many lonely moments...moments I cried out asking God to comfort me, but it was a needed chapter in my life in order for me to embrace the new Jess....the Mommy in me...but not just the mommy but to learn to be the Wife, the Mom, the Friend, the Leader. I still don't have it all down to a science, but I am getting there and have come a long was a year full of tough times but I grew a lot and I learned a lot and I wouldn't change any of it! :)

It's a new day, a new year and there are new things in store for 2013 and I am so excited to continue in this journey called life with Jesus and my family and friends!

I know most of you follow me on Facebook, but for those that don't, I wanted to share a few pictures from the New Year! Thanks for reading and supporting my you all and Here's to the best year yet for all of us!