Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mommy Problems and Playing Catch Up

Well, Liam officially caught his first cold of his life and I must say, I never understood when my parents would say they wish they could take our sickness for us, but now that I am a parent, I can definitely relate. He had what I call "sad eyes" all day and it was so hard to see him struggle with his bottle because he couldn't breathe through his nose, and watch him sneeze multiple times, which was kind of funny because every time he would sneeze, his paci would fly across the room....oh, and I can't forget his fake cough...he let me know many times yesterday that he had a cough with his toungue out and everything haha!

On top of the cold, Liam had his 9 month doctor appointment yesterday and he had to get a shot and a heel stick. I guess because he wasn't feeling well, this was by far the worst shot experience for him. He cried and cried...usually it would last about a minute, but not this broke my heart to see the tears flow too because Liam never let's them flow unless it is something serious. But, on a lighter note, other than having a head cold, he is otherwise very healthy! Growing right on track...19 pounds, 28 inches and still has a big head! haha! And even though he was overcoming, he was still all smiles (and I secretly loved the extra cuddles I got from him all day)! This was from his Doctor appointment yesterday:


So, that is why I was unable to blog yesterday, and had to play catch up today!

Anyways, on to my topic for today...getting back on the healthy train!

I fall off of that train quite a lot, but the important thing is, I am getting back on! I'm ready to shed some weight so I can get back to my pre pregnancy weight and start working towards making a Liam a big brother in the next several months! Many people ask me why I want to get the weight off now just to gain it back, but I want to start at the weight I started at before Liam so I don't have even more to lose after my next baby! I'm only about 12 pounds off, so if I can lose about a pound a week, which is the healthy way, I can start trying in the next 3 months...AHH...That is not far away and I have a lot of work ahead, but I can do it!! I'm going to cut out any sodas (other than my morning coffee, because I got a Keurig for Christmas and will be using it lol) and cut portions and eat low carbs. I'm also going to start juicing soon and try to exercise at least 2-3 times a week...even if it is just a brisk walk with Liam. I'm starting this 100 Burpee challenge with friends from work so that should be fun too! Looking forward to losing weight, toning and getting healthy! :)

Wish me success on this train and any encouraging words are definitely welcome!