Monday, January 7, 2013

It's the Little Things

Today has overall been a good day...sure I have been exhausted from the lack of sleep and sure there were moments it felt like a "typical Monday", but overall, I woke up alive and well with a beautiful family, a job to go to, clothes on my back and food to eat. I actually had a pretty good day at work...laughed a lot, got a lot to go out with just me, myself and I after work to just enjoy being alone...sat down and had dinner with myself, shopped a was just very therapeutic and refreshing. As I was out I was reminded of all of my blessings and how much I have to be thankful many times we let life fly past us and before we know it, years have gone by and we spent most of it rushing it by...I try to remind myself regularly to stop and notice all of the little blessings in our every day...whether it be the smell of a good meal cooking, the beauty of a sunset, the company of good friends, laughter, love...I could go on...we have so much to be thankful for!

I decided to end off my night with firstly, completing my 7 burpees for today (getting tougher every day but still going strong), then enjoying a nice hot bubble bath while I blog and then hit the hay! Today was exactly what I needed for a little "pick me up" and the perfect jump start to a great week!

Tonight's post will be short because I need to get rest, but I will leave you all with this quote I read today:

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt

Live life to it's fullest or it may feel like you died young...