Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 11 of Blog Challenge

Today will be a quick blog...why you ask?? Because I have to go get all prettied up for my HOTT DATE tonight with the love of my life!! :) Can you tell I'm excited!? And one of Liam's favorite aunties will be watching him for us so we can enjoy a night out alone!

Anyways, today's blog is hard for me to come up with something...Day 11 I am supposed to write about the worst injury I have ever had and I really haven't had a major injury in my life thank God! lol So, I guess I will have to go with the worst pain I have ever been in during my life...and I think you all know what my answer will be...AFTER LABOR! I had a really great labor, and had an epidural, so the whole labor process wasn't too bad. The worst part was having to push 2 hours and that was after a full day of contractions. My day started at 7 am and I had Liam at 7:31pm, so I was in labor a little over 12 hours, with nothing to eat and it was the most exhausted I have ever felt in my life...having said that, I will say the healing part after labor was the worst for me. When they gave me my epidural, they went in a little too far with the needle and I had a spinal leak. Sounds worse than it really is, but for 2 weeks after, I had the most horrendous headaches I've ever experienced and the only way it would go away is if I laid down...and all of you parents out there can imagine how hard that is with a newborn. If I didn't have my husband helping me and people in our church family making us meals, I don't know how we would have done it.

So, yes...not really an "injury", but the aftermath of labor and healing was by far the worst pain I have ever had in my life...but what women say is true...after a while, you forget about all the nausea, sickness and pain when you see that miracle before you...I can't wait to do it all over again one day! :)

Alright, it wasn't as short as I had planned...I've got to go get ready now...Auntie Melissa will be here soon!! I will post a picture tomorrow of our special night!


ashleymarietaylor said...

Have fun tonight, I love you guys, keep the romance alive. :) I'm in love with your blogs