Wednesday, August 1, 2012

MIA for a While, but BACK!!

Do you remember me? The one that started a blog over a year ago and only posted 3 blogs before signing off for a year?? Yea, that's me!! And boy, have I missed blogging, but life has been very full of lots of surprises since I last posted!! To break it down; since my last blog post, I grew in my relationship with God, my marriage has continued to flourish, I've made a lot of great new friends and the biggest change, was that I got pregnant and had the most beautiful little baby boy on April 25th, 2012. We named him Liam Tristan and he was born at 7:31 pm at 7 lbs. 3 oz. and 21 1/4 inches long! Dr's told me I couldn't get pregnant a little over a year ago, but God had a different plan (and that is a whole different story for another time)! I had a great pregnancy and labor experience and my baby boy is already over 3 months old!! We are taking him to get his 3 month pictures done this weekend and I'm so excited!! Until then, here is one of my favorite pictures of him.

So yes, life has changed so much, in a great way over the past year! I love being a mommy!!

Since I got pregnant, I joined a couple of pregnancy boards and got to know some Mom's that were due in April just like me...after lots of searching, I found the most amazing group of women in a group on Facebook. I will refer to them as "April Momma's" or "April Aunties". We have shared so many things throughout our pregnancies and now mommyhood and as corny as it sounds, have really grown close as a group. I've never met any of them face to face (although, we totally want to plan a trip one of these days when we are rich), but I am truly thankful for each and every one of them. I don't have many people around me, my age, that have kids yet, so it is so nice to have a group of awesome ladies that I have that in common with that understand how different life is with a child or children. We have shared our hearts with each other and some of our deepest thoughts and have been there to support each other through so much! I never thought I would get so close to a group of people that I haven't even met, but even my husband says he is so glad that I have them in my life! He is starting to even know them by name because I talk about them so much! :)

A few weeks ago, one of our fellow April momma's mentioned something about blogging and asked if anyone was interested in doing a Blog Challenge. I love to write and put my thoughts and memories out on paper, so I of course was on board with that. So, today we will start a 31 day blog challenge! I will do my very best to keep up with this every day, but forgive me if I miss a day or two. :) Today is the first day of the challenge and I'm new to this so bare with me and I'm still working on making it pretty to look at!

Day 1: Write your goals for the Month

My goals for this month are as follows:

1. Continue working out 4-5 times a week
2. Eat no fast food (With the exception of today for Chick-fil-a Appreciation Day)
3. Keep up with my blog every day and continue with it after this challenge :)
4. Go on at least one date with my husband
5. Go treat myself to a much needed pedicure
6. Get pictures from my Pregnancy, Liam's Delivery and his first 3 month session printed and posted around the house and sent out to family
7. Deep clean my apartment
8. Begin my daily devotional
9. Start on Liam's Scrapbook
10. Go through Liam's newborn clothes that no longer fit and get out all of the 3-6 month clothes

I'm going to stick with that list of 10 things for the month. I hope to get it all done!!

Until tomorrow, I am signing off! Happy reading!! :)