Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 21 - My thoughts on Body Image in the Media

Last night was a better night of sleep for us. No interruptions until about 6 this morning when I woke up for no apparent reason and by then, it was almost time for me to get up for work so it was hard to fall back asleep for the little bit of time I had left.

Yesterday was a rough day for our little Liam...he is teething and was crying all day and up until bedtime. We couldn't put him down without him screaming and even sometimes while holding him he would scream and those of you that know my baby, you know this is NOT the norm for him. I have a very happy baby and he hardly ever cries! I blame our friend Tracy because he asked us at church Sunday if Liam ever Liam was proving a point...thanks Tracy! ha! J/K...but yea, I felt so sad and hopeless and wanted to help him, but nothing was working. We tried rice cereal for the first time...that was hilarious...he seemed to like the first couple of spoons, but then started acting like it was gross so we stopped. He had just had a bottle so we gave him a little bit of water, thinking maybe the formula wasn't satisfying him enough, but that didn't work either...we decided around 8:30 to get out of the house and drive to the beaches and stopped in at a place called Dick's wings to enjoy some waffle fries and see if getting out worked and he was pretty happy until right before we we fed him his last bottle and went home...Daneil was so patient and rocked him, held him and cuddled him until he was calm enough to fall asleep and they were still both snoozing away when I left again this morning (luckyyyy). Teething is no fun and I'm hoping today will be easier for my little man. Praying we get through this quick!

Day 21 - What are my thoughts on body image in the media?

Hmm...well, my thoughts are firstly, the media shouldn't be the decider of what body image should be and what is considered "beautiful". There are so many people in this world with body image issues due to the media and it is really sad to me. It shouldn't be about how skinny or tan you are, or what you wear (or don't wear for that matter) and how much makeup you have long as you feel beautiful in your own skin no one should be able to tell you anything otherwise.

Being a mom now, this is an even more  important issue to me. I never want Liam to feel like he has to live up to anything the media tells him to be. God created him just the way he is and that is perfect for him and I tell him daily how handsome he is and will continue doing that forever, or until he tells me to stop. hehe! If I have a little girl one day (God willing), I will do everything I can to instill in her that she is beautiful and you don't have to show skin or starve yourself to be beautiful. God made us all different, and all all different colors, shapes, sizes and we should embrace it, and as long as we are taking care of our temple (the body) the way God has instructed us to, then we should stand confident in who we are and remind the media that we, the children of the King, are royalty! :)