Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 8 of Blog Challenge

Made it halfway through the work week so far and Friday is so close, I can almost taste it! I am more excited about this weekend than most weekends because I get to go on my date night with my husband finally! That means, I will be able to get all dressed up (with somewhere to go), have a nice dinner and end the night watching our favorite comedian, laughing together! I have butterflies just thinking about it! Come on weekend!

Today's question has really got me excited and ready for the future but also making me feel like I need to stop sitting around and get on it!

Day 8: How do you invision your life being in 5 years?

I'm sure God has some great things in store for my family and I in the next 5 years...Liam will be 5 years!! That is crazy! In 5 years, I invision my life being even more amazing...I'm sure we will have at least one other child by then (God willing) and I would love to be homeowners with at least one new(er) car and be debt free with great credit. My dream would be that in 5 years I would have taken the necessary steps to get my own business started up and that I would be a well known Wedding Planner in Jacksonville. This time last year, I was going to get all the certifications I needed to get started, but I found out I was pregnant and wanted to save all of our extra, I put the dream back on hold again. I'm thinking it's about time to get back on that, but it will be difficult working full time with an infant and keeping up with everyhing else. It's a sacrifice, and I want to make sure I'm ready for the sacrifice before I committ to it, so that I don't set myself up for failure. But, definitely in 5 years, I am praying that I have made that sacrifice and at least taken steps towards my dream.

I would also love to see my husband's business go viral within 5 years so that I won't have to work full time and can stay home with my kid(s) and pursue my dreams. God told me years ago, that although I have put my dreams on the "back burner" for now...and supported my husband in his dreams, he hasn't forgotten about mine and I will have my own business and ministry one day...this was confirmed a few times in different ways, so I know it will happen...It is all in the right timing! So, I will be patient until then.

Another dream of mine is to write a's always been on my "imaginary" bucket list, but through this blog challenge and hearing about how people actually enjoy reading my writing (which shocked me, in a way...I mean, I have always loved writing, but more as a hobby and didn't think people enjoyed reading my writing as much as I that desire has definitely come back strong, so I'm praying about what I would like to write it on. I've thought something about being a Christian mom and juggling family, church, work and life...but I'm still not sure...God will reveal it to me in time...but in 5 years, I would like to have at least started writing it.

So, I could go on and on about where I invision my life in 5 years, but I think I have given myself plenty to work towards so I will leave it at that. I do feel inspired and feel things stirring up inside of me just by writing all of this out. :)

Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog post...for those of you that know me, it has to do with food...and you know I LOVE me some will be a good one...signing off until then!