Sunday, August 26, 2012

Playing Catch Up!

I'm sorry, I missed yesterday's blog, but hey, missing 2 days out of the 26 so far isn't too bad!

I have a lot to do before bed tonight, so I am just going to get right to the challenges for yesterday and today.

Day 25: What's in your purse?

What is not in my purse these days? haha...other than the norm like my wallet, car keys, lip gloss and chap stick, I have The Hunger Games so I can read whenever I get free time, my work badge, mascara, pens, random papers...that is pretty much it. I need a new purse soon anyone who wants to buy me one, go ahead! :) I never buy stuff like that for myself...I just feel like it is a waste of money, so I just use the same one until it falls apart! LOL

Day 26: Post a picture of something yellow.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to take a picture of something yellow and post it, but I ain't got time for that tonight, so I googled "something yellow"and found this and thought it was puuurrtttyy....

Ok, time to get ready for bed...Monday comes again so quickly! :( Goodnight!