Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 3 of Blog Challenge

For those that know me really well, you know that I LOVE going to the movies any chance that I get!! They are so expensive these days, that I usually only go if I'm in need of a date night or if it is a movie that I simply can't wait to come out on DVD lol

Speaking of date night, before I get on to answering the question for today's blog challenge, I wanted to say how excited I am about my next date night! One of my best friends surprised my husband and I with two tickets to go see one of our favorite comedians next Saturday and we are going on a much needed date night...For those of you that read my goals for the month, this is checking one off of that list!! Right on track, and giving myself a pat on the back! :)

Moving on to the question for today...

Day 3: What was the last movie that you saw in theatres?

The last movie that I went to see in Theatres was Madea's Witness Protection Program! Madea is my favorite movie character when it comes to comedy and my husband and I catch every movie that comes out. This one was by far the funniest of all the Tyler Perry movies that I have seen. I would recommend to anyone in need of a good laugh or two!

And having said that, I will leave you with this....until tomorrow :)