Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Good deeds!

There is such excitement in the air for me today! After work yesterday, I rushed to get home to my hunny bun and once I got there and he got Liam down for a nap, we got to sit and just talk for about an technology, or distractions, but just a good chat. To talk about his trip and things that God revealed to him during this trip and how it was so in line with things God has been revealing to me and wow, I will just say, we were both so encouraged and although there is still a lot that has yet to be revealed to us, we know God is about to do something big in our lives and we couldn't be more excited!

It all started with a few confirmations through the Word of God, prophecy and prayer...then, confirmed some more this week with a dream a close friend of ours had about Daneil just before he left to go visit that friend this week...then, Daneil and I both had a dream the next night that had a lot of similarities. I won't go into detail about the dreams because we are still getting revelation from it, but I'm sure one day we will share how it relates to our future testimony. Anyways, our friend gave Daneil a dream interpretation book and he wrote out all three dreams while he was out of town and the interpretations for things in the dreams we had and was just so in line with where we are in our lives and was so on point for the direction we feel God is taking us. So yea, not to get off on a tangent, but God is really calling us to seek His face about some things in our lives and I feel like we are about to get a HUGE download and I was too excited not to share! lol Living for God is always a fun ride!

Now onto what I'm supposed to write about today...Day 15: What was the last good deed you did for someone/someone did for you?

I don't know if I would call it a deed, but someone very close to my heart has been going through a very tough time with their health and God laid it on my heart during church a couple of weeks ago, to put together a list of healing/strength scriptures using her name as an acronym. I put it together on a board and decorated it and gave it to her to speak over her life daily. It felt so nice to bless her, since she is always giving out and blessing my really did bless me to see her encouraged by it.

Last good deed someone did for me?? Hmm...Maybe my husband last night...Liam was very fussy right before bed time and I have not been feeling very good this week, so he took Liam out of the room and let me get some rest and calmed him down and got him to sleep. He does this almost on a daily basis, so I could have used another example, but this was the last good deed someone did for me lol. God has blessed me with great people in my life so I'm always surrounded by people wanting to do nice things! :)