Thursday, August 23, 2012

The favorite part of my day!

One more day until the weekend and 8 more days until our weekend getaway; but who is counting? ;) Determined to work out again today no matter how hard it is to get motivated and Daneil is going to cook a nice lamb and veggie dinner tonight so I'm already looking forward to that!

Last night at church I finally got my hands on the first copy of Hunger Games so today I am going to start reading it and I can't wait to get into it! I've heard the book is a lot better than the movie (as usual) and the movie was awesome so I'm looking forward to judging it myself! I can't wait to buy me a Kindle so I can read more often! Ever since I got pregnant, I started to love reading again...geez, motherhood has changed me! I used to spend my free time on other things and now I just want to read and write! :) Guess it isn't a bad thing!

Speaking of writing, I posted on Facebook last night that although this blog challenge is coming to an end, I really want to continue with another one next month. I'm going to continue checking Pinterest and other websites to find a really good one and for those of you that want to continue reading, you can. :) Stay tuned...

Day 23 - What is your favorite part of the day and why?

The answer to this depends on the day. Monday through Friday my favorite part of the day is getting off work and rushing home to see my favorite boys! Almost every day I come home Daneil will have Liam waiting at the door for me so that right as I walk in the door he is the first thing I see and I get so many smiles and giggles! I love grabbing him as soon as I get home and kissing him all over and squeezing his chubby little cheeks. I could be having the worst day at work ever, the most stressful day or just having a bad day altogether and seeing him smile makes all those worries go out the window and I can automatically feel my stress level decline.

Now, if we are talking weekend (Saturday for the most part), my favorite part of the day is when Liam first wakes me up. I love my sleep, but on Saturdays when Daneil leaves for band practice, I will usually have Liam come snuggle with me in bed and we snooze a bit longer and when he wakes up he is so sweet. He just coos and ahhs and smiles from ear to ear and it's just me and him in that moment; looking at each other and taking it all in. Ahhh, I love Saturday mornings!! We are rushing out the door for church on Sunday mornings so we wake up Liam right before we have to leave and I don't get many snuggles, but after church when we take our Sunday nap, we let Liam lay in bed with us and all three cuddle, so that is my favorite part of Sundays. I have to say that having a child has been the most rewarding gift I have ever received and I couldn't have asked for him at a more perfect time in my life. :)

Who wouldn't love seeing this every day! I am one blessed lady!