Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 2 of Blog Challenge!

Well, I tried "prettying" up my blog a bit and I'm still working on some things, so hope you like the new layout! Today is day 2 of the blog challenge and I was excited about this one because it is near and dear to my heart! :)

Day 2: If you could offer a newborn child one piece of advice, what would it be?

Seeing that I have a newborn child, this question really got me thinking...and it is so hard to only come up with one piece of advice when I want to share all the advice I have with his innocent little self. I'm sure, through the years, I will be able to share it all with him though!

God is a huge part of my life and at first I was going to say something about always putting God first and never compromising your beliefs to please others, but I think that is always the expected answer, so I will go in a little bit of a different direction today. I learned while I was pregnant and especially now that I have a child, that people love to give advice on what did or didn't work for them, what is "right" and "wrong" when it comes to parenting, etc...but I've also learned that their advice was not always helpful to me in my own life or "right" for me and my situation....So, if I could offer a newborn one piece of advice I would say...Never follow advice, no matter how good it sounds or feels, until you know in your spirit that the advice is wise and right for you.