Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 7 of Blog Challenge

It's a terrific Tuesday and time for the next blog challenge post! Can you tell I was in bed at a decent time last night and had almost a full 7 hours of sleep and I'm feeling pretty fabulous this morning?! I'm a night owl, so during the week, I usually go to bed way too late and regret it the next morning. I won't lie, it was still tough getting out of my cozy bed this morning...especially the fact that the room was quiet, dark, cold and Daneil was keeping me warm with his body heat (am I making you miss your bed yet?) but work has to be done and money has to be was nothing a nice warm cup of coffee couldn't help me with. :)

Ok, on to today's question...

Day 7: If you could live in any time period from the past, when would it be and why?

This is an easy one for me to answer because I've always said, if I could live in any time period from the past, it would have been the late 1800's early 1900's...I think Titanic did it to me...all the women got to get all dressed up in their flashy, fluffy dresses and huge feather hats and drink tea! It would be like a tea party every day! What woman wouldn't love that!? Now, I wouldn't enjoy the whole girdle thing and not being able to breathe or bend over without passing out, but being able to dress up every day for no apparent reason and having that hourglass figure would make the whole "not able to breathe" thing worth it. I'm sure women from that time period may not agree if they had the opportuniy to wear the comfy clothes we have these days, but it still doesn't change my mind. Plus, being pale was considered beautiful, so I would have fit right in the beauty category with my pale skin and wouldn't have to pay for a tan anymore! ha!
Men would dress up in their Sunday best every day and wouldn't have their "pants on the ground" and wouldn't wear shirts that are 5 times too big for them...or better yet, these days...they wouldn't be wearing pants that are tighter than their girlfriend's! Men and women dressed for success in those days and I think it would be so much fun to "play dress up" every day!

Who wouldn't want to wear awesome outfits like this??