Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pet Peeves

Finally got back into working out yesterday after almost 2 weeks of slacking and although I was definitely not motivated, I'm so glad I did it and I have so much energy this morning and I feel so good. I was even able to keep up (for the most part) through the whole workout without doing the modified versions. I'm so determined to get in shape again, so no matter how unmotivated I am, I have to push myself...the end result will be worth it!

Liam had a better day yesterday...he was still a lot more fussy than usual, but not inconsolable. We are taking our first weekend trip to Savannah next weekend and Liam's grandpa will be watching him for us and I'm praying Liam gets through this fussy phase so I don't worry about him all weekend! I know he will be in great hands, but I don't want him to stress them out. It's making me nervous just thinking about it....wooooosaaaahhhh!

So looking forward to church ready for a Word from Heaven and to get my praise on! Perfect mid week pick me up!

Today I am supposed to write about my 3 biggest pet peeves. Is it bad that this was one of the easier ones to answer? :)

At the top of my list as my biggest pet peeve would have to be repetitive sounds...a lot of people know this about me and like to make those repetitive sounds, like tapping on something, to see how long it takes me to notice. It's so weird because it's almost like I hear it subconsciously and then all of a sudden, I notice that I've been hearing it subconsciously for  a few minutes and I freak out! lol I know, I'm weird! People have asked how I married a drummer, but when the repetitive sounds make music, it doesn't bother it works.

My second biggest pet peeve would have to be when people don't follow through with their promises or commitments. I will admit, I have broken promises before (one even being Monday when I promised my friend I would work out and I didn't...but I fessed up..sorry Melissa...I love you!). Growing up, I experienced a lot of broken promises and it would always make me so irritated. I know things happen sometimes, but when it is a pattern is when it becomes a pet peeve. Just don't promise unless you are almost positive you will follow through. I try my best to make sure I'm following through and if I'm not that I'm at least fessing up to it and apologizing. I do not ever want to promise Liam something that I can't follow through with. I will do my best not to because I want him to trust my words.

Lastly, my third biggest pet peeve is people that suck up. I don't know why, but it just irks me. I can totally tell when someone is sucking up to me (which doesn't happen often) but even that gets on my nerves. I watch other people suck up to people and wonder if it irks them as much as it does me watching it. It kind of takes me back to the "Teacher's Pet" days. I was kind of a teacher's pet, but not from sucking up...just from getting good grades and not being a troublemaker (until high school, that is). For example, when you are in a meeting and you have that person that always shhusshes everyone...seriously, I'm going to have to ask you not to shuush me because I'm an adult! lol Or when someone agrees with everything you do, even if they don't really agree but they want to be stuck up that person's behind! Ugh, very annoying!

So, yea...don't be a brown's annoying for those that have to witness it and isn't a good look for anyone...If you have to suck up for someone to like you; then they only like you for what you do for them. Be yourself...if they like it, great...if not, who cares?!

And for those of you reading, telling you my pet peeves doesn't mean to start testing them out on me to see how annoyed I get...that would be mean...and I don't like mean people...that's my 4th pet peeve. :)